the view from my first base, early into my gameplay

I recently went through a period of stress and very long days so I decided to reward myself with some time off and something to fill it with. I bought a new gaming rig:

Amd ryzen 3 4ghz
32gb ddr4 ram
Gtx 1660super 6gb
1tb m.2 raid 0 array

This was to run Empyrion: galactic survival

I play on a server run by a friend along with 5 or 6 other friends - we collaborate to build an empire and just survive against some damned guys called the zirax who have been hassling us and trying to wipe us off our planet since we started the game.

We have advanced sufficiently to be able to significantly challenge the zirax and hence maybe actually knock out their whole setup on this planet - and I think I have figured out the fastest and cheapest way to do it:

Place prefabricated artillery platforms nearby zirax supply and teleport bases and shell them to no shields or turrets before we go in to knock out the core on foot in the interior depths.

The cheapest possible most effective artillery platform is described below:

Since the base monted artillery has a range of 1150m vs 850 for a hover tank, along with faster rotation speed and significantly greater damage (over 3 times more), it makes sense to prefab the platforms as bases in the factory, fly in fast n low with a small ship and dropship the things into place directly nearby behind a hill or in a forest or similar cover.

Artillery platform with anti aircraft and ground defences, power for long term self sufficiency and optional upgrades:

Weapons power cpu
________________ ______ __________

1 artillery turret [bs] 0.050kw 22600cpu

flak turret [bs] 0.005kw 1300cpu

minigun turret [bs] 0.005kw 2800cpu

rocket turret [bs] 0.005kw 10500cpu
_______ _________
0.065kw 42800cpu

Base platform requirements dictated by the above weaponry:

base core 0.005kw [provides] 80000cpu

ammo box 0.0001kw 250cpu

blocks/sundries 0.001kw 1000cpu

fuel tank T2 0.0018kw 675cpu

Power consumption total 0.0729kw

small generator provides 2.5kw

Therefore plenty, allowing T2 fuel tank to fuel the platform for long time.

small generator only requires 512cpu

Total cpu required: approx 45000cpu
fits in core 80000cpu
___________ ____________

Optional teleport 25kw pushes cpu over 80k so:

T2 cpu extender to 200,000cpu 0.05kw
Needs large generator x2 provides 50kw minimal cpu

Still plenty of fuel if teleport used infrequent.

Alternative is to create power saving config where weapons and ammo are deactivated for teleport and teleport deactivated when to in use - alternating allows teleport to run from 1 large gen and hence no T2 or extra fuel.

I.e. for unlock level 20 and a few hrs build time plus minimal unobtanium resources an artillery platform that can knock out an zirax base and defend itself agains attack to a reasonable degree can be build prefab and drop shipped within range unnoticed and out of range of bases very fast, effectively and even be dismantled and moved with the correct design.

What a cold calculating military killer I have become from my early game space station garden centre visiting, tomato growing, ore mining/refining/trading self I have become!

And next I design a moving artillery tankā€¦

Alternative is to create power saving config where weapons and ammo are deactivated for teleport and teleport deactivated when to in use - alternating allows teleport to run from 1 large gen and hence no T2 or extra fuel.

I.e. for unlock level 20 and a few hrs build time plus minimal unobtanium resources an artillery platform that can knock out an zirax base and defend itself agains attack to a reasonable degree can be build prefab and drop shipped within range unnoticed and out of range of bases very fast, effectively and even be dismantled and moved with the correct design.

What a cold calculating military killer I have become from my early game space station garden centre visiting, tomato growing, ore mining/refining/trading self I have become!

And next I design a moving artillery tank