A Special Tattoo - Even More Special Than Any Other...

The antennae still need changing tothe more feathy kind i want on the design but this is a nearly perfected idea of the tattoo i'm planning in remembrance of my dearly beloved and sadly departed fren moth.

Every tattoo i have has meaning to me - they aint just picked at random from a catalogue or the wall of a seedy biker tattoo parlour when drunk - long planning and much deliberation goes into my tattoos, starting usually with the rule that i have to want them for over a year minimum before i have them done.

This is where this one already breaks from the norm - i didnt know i wanted this until after moth passed and its only been a coupla months, but i dont need longer to know this certain something i will treasure forever. the design was in my head instantly as i decided i wanted a tattoo to commemorate his impact upon my world - he went by the nickname 'moth', he loved moths, he wanted to breed deathshead moths and was fascinated by them.

So that tattoo being a stylised deathshead moth was immediately obvious to me - the reduction to the barest minimum of blck line art and the deathshead skull being the only real detail just appeals to my particular aesthetic for tattoos - it ties in with quite a few of the others, and i just thinkthat style of tattoo looks very effective as well as aging real welland allowing lots of different onces to work together as body space is filled.

this will go on my right pectoral opposite the trailing haitian vodun art leading to my heart tattoo onthe other pec, so it needs to be sized, angled and placed just right tolook good - guess i'll be shopping around and chatting a while with some tattoo artists before i go for it and make sure i find the right person.

i keep wondering how i'll keep my composure during the actual work as allmy emotions for moth surface - be weird to have a complete breakdown whilst a tattoo is being done, but theres no way to avoid the fact this will be a cathartic release of pent up emotion as i inveest a part of me in remembering moth forever.

Tbh, i cant wait to have it done and have been keeing money saved up ready so whenever i have the design finalised, an artist lined up and an appointment booked there will be nothing in my way - this is more important than any other expenditure in my bedget right now.

this entry isnt probably of great interst or relevance to anyone other than me but this is a blog, my blog and so whats the point if i cant empty my head when i need to pour shit out eh... so isit inthoughts of moth yet again as i throw words at a screen possiblynever to be read by any other soul but at least its therapeutic for me. :)

i'll miss you forever moth. :'(