RYO Back In Shops!

Yes, it's true - the first pcb+panel sets for the RYO Penta 5 step sequencer are available exclusively from synthcube already - and the rest of the RYO range will follow asap. alongside this return of exisiting designs will hopefully come some new modules to the lineup - there may be odd hints given her and there in social media but there's a bit of prototyping and testing still to do so not too much to say yet...

Plans to sell assembled versions of the currently only DIY stuff are also still in place but that's still a little way off into the future, so again, keep eyes peeled for news and eventually those who aren't inclined toward the DIY route will have their chance too i hope.

Finally, i'll be doing some market research and inviting opinios from far and wide to see if there's any interest in limited edition runs of assembld modules with different stylings than the standard RYO models - perhaps a "BLACKLIGHT Optodist" with UV limiter LEDs and entirely black hardware...