The Inevitable Return Of The RYO...

...oh yes! ...Oh Yes! ...OH YES! as if i hadn't set myself a large enough task taking on studio work as both Thomas Wufle and buffaLOFIsh, as well as launching the waxcide collective into the world at full force, now i'm also bring the modular synth company Ljungrenn Audio RYO back from hiatus to ot only continue providing exceptional modules to both DIY enthusiasts and buyers of assembled modules alike, but, as can be seen in the mock up picture above, we are burgeoning with new arrows to bring to our quivver.

Starting with a relatively small run of the ever popular optodist vactrol based vc disortion effect module - a mere 25 assembled modules, hopefully to be distributed by synthcube modular store in the US, there will if all goes to plan, be stores carrying pcb/frontpanel kits back in manufacturing and distributio so DIY enthusiasts can build affordable modules from not only the RYO current range of utility, sequencing and filter module lineup, but also soon hopefully the may be new additions to the lineup - choice productions of around 15 - 20 prototype ideas that have been in stasis since the pause in operations around a year ago.

The embarkation into the world of design, prototyping and manufacture of previously unreleased prototypes is not limited to stuff already near ready for market, but also to ideas that the original RYO team have been slowly developing in the background and dreamed one day would be realsied but hadnt expected would likely ever see the light of day as finished commerically available products - so there may be some real special beautiful concepts brought to life such as the Magic Window + Spellbind combo pictured at the top of this post.

The thought of pairing a Magic Window with a Doepfer a-152 to form the core of a generative sequencing setup fills me with dreams of self composing music machines sing merrily to themselves in gorgeous synthetic voices...