waxcide Challenge Easter Egg

If you ever dig through the waxcide bancamp, browsing the various releases you might notice some curious things...

x0x's - any tune named in the x0x format [i.e. 101, 202, 303, 606, 808 etc.], are each named after a particular classic roland electronic box of magic, this much is probably obvious. it goes deeper though... each of those tunes is constructed of, and only of, samples from that particular roland machine or a recording of me saying the name of that machine - this includes not just drums, but bassline, lead pads, the lot!

110 Shamans - worldwide, regardless of how remote and isolated different tribes are, pretty much every one so far discovered have independly evolved ritualistis shamanic drumming that is universally at a tempo between 200 and 240 bpm - this range of frequencies are the most effective at inducing trance states because they entrain the brains delta waves. i took the midpoint of this frequency range [220bpm], halved it to give a nice 110 bpm and used it to produce especially trippy tunes and mixes.

waxcide - 'Sauerkraut trk.2 Mr Acidpants' although absolutely riddled with samples of a voice saying the word 'acid', isnt actually acid techno or acid house - this sillyness is an homage to underworld who, in an early techno track of theirs, repeatedly inserted a sample of a vocal saying the word 'house' :D