A Found Poem: Steam Of Conciousness...

24 cheese
wood knot re peat
if you dont stop me i'll just carry on on my own
on on
is that grammatical?
granma nautical
is crisis a bad name for a cryogenic systems manufacturing company?
there is no spoon
difficulty initiating a stream of conciousness
theres pills for that
just rub one on hte tip of the medulla oblongata
you are fully obliged
you signed
whatever happened to my iron urt shirt
this is why i cant have nice things
they might throw away the key
sanity pads
you cant fool me - i know there's no sanity clause
mommy told me so
just showin off that she can afford gifts for allllllllll the family
love comes in spurts
food for thought
but dont eat it all at once
mutton chops
Button tops
how do you know which way up they go?
symmetry bitch
do circles have a top
balance them on the bottom and the top is opposite i guess
christopher guess
this is christoph
he will be doing your hair today
but youre responsible for your own nails
insurance wont cover them after 'the incident'
kitty got claws
hurry mau5 hurry, the cat will come out to play
rainy day play(edited)
get out the clay
we're making pancakes and sausages
[i'm not good at clay time]
keep it simple
i knew him well
hoe ratio
rationing begiins today
oh joy!
banana bread yet again
its the only way to use up the leopardy ones
double leopardy
twins basill, twins
duddle ee dudddlooo duddle ummm duddleaye
[thats mr powers to you]
one million
how many is a brazillian?
hey - where's bush?
bot rot
turned to rust
and dust
all thing must go
youve got smut on your cheeek
coal and cinders
you shall go to the ball
or the ball shall come to you
i come bouncing back to you
flubber? they faked it in a studio
peanut butty professor
copy spaghetti
do the russians love their children too?
fucking sting, racist
cosmic sarcophagus
hunted to extinction by the neandertals
they musta liked the eyelashes
cray cray supercomputer
whats a geb?
about 3 on the richter scale
wibbly wobbly jamie oliver
liver lips
butt smacking good
sounds incestuous
thats dirty - insect
after a nuclear war there will be roaches, pigeons and rats
evolution will make a brave new world
but who will win
the race is on
whacky baccy
i hate it when it itches on the inside
it sustains life
[held note with glide]
_not portamento
owch - she pinned it whilst i was still wearing it
i'm so good at typoing i could work in a pool
mistakes per minute
i wonder how many are acceptable with readability remaining firm
teh quik bworn fosk jimps
what has it got in its pocketses?
one potato, two potato
three, four picking up sticks
pooh sticks
i forgot the rules
blame piglet
i want bacon for breakfast
i braked and it went slower
theres water in the lines
clean the fluid
it should be green not brown
signs of life
ding ding dongdongdong
whats brown and sounds like a bell?
whats brown and sticky?
a stick
stick incest
it snot natural
mining for white gold
just blow it
or is that a waste?
wasp waist constriction
thinner… thinner…
tins of tuna
piano tuner
melt water
glacial acetic acid
are we making herons?
when a mommy birb and a daddy birb love eachother
the stork visits
and they haev a cuckolded baby stork
its clearly white not grey
shoulda used bold
the fabric conditioner is built in
word to the wise
wisdom long in the tooth
k9 is not as high as k2
somehow that seems backwards
in reverse order:
gold, silver, bronze, copper
ive only had a few ales officer
get in the back of the van
halides are made from smelly gasses
hello ozone hole
tan lines
why would anyone care
its just a colour change
red indicates you blew too hard - please try again
you passed with flying colours
duck duck go
stop in the name of love
in the name of the law
fuck em and thier law
pop WILL eat itself
all in good time
i'm making time!
harder better faster stronger
eat sleep rave repeat
rinse and repeat
take two bottles in the shower?
when the first beers empty, shower time gets fun
flooding under the door
soapy boobs - a thing of wonder
wander woman
dont drift off
found poem
uh oh - is that self referential?
have we come full circle?
a snake eating its own tail
picl snek
no potatos for you
thankyou baked potato
pat of butter
male carrier
typhoid mary
in sickness and in health
in like flint
if theres a rustle in your hedgerow
monoxide it
smoke him out
peace pipe
a packet of peace
pickin up the pieces, bits n pieces
needles and pinsa
pince nez
place cup under dispensing nozzle
pot noodle
golden wonder
stag night
patrick moore plays the xylophone
shooting stars like wild animals
the hunt for red october
red rocket red rocket
can jimi take over?
shot my ol' lady down
down town
uptown girl
william joe el
billys jean emporium
[end transmission]